Saturday, January 30, 2010

so much to do...

I've started feeling overwhelmed with how much I have to get done in the next 6-8 weeks before Allie Grace is born. My house is a wreck! I have a lot of stuff that I need to get organized, straightened, or put away. My problem is that I don't have the extra energy to do it. Lately, it's all I can do to get meals fixed, do dishes, get laundry washed and dried (folded and put away haven't happened in ages), and give Mattie Leigh the attention that she needs. I really want to get the pile of laundry folded and put away, get the girls' bedroom rearranged, rearrange our bedroom so it feels less crowded, and get our living room de-cluttered. I think I'm either going to have to get someone to come in and do what I want done or leave Mattie Leigh with Kevin's grandmother for a few hours a day so I can actually get more done at home.

That's just stuff around the house that I want to 'fix'. I really want to have some special one on one time with both Kevin and Mattie Leigh before our family of three is a family of four.

Oh...this is a link to the diaper bag that I would LOVE to have for the girls. It looks like it has so much space. My only hold-up on getting it for myself already is that it's $45 total (with shipping or if you buy it in store). I know that isn't a whole lot of money, especially for a good diaper bag, but I still find it hard to spend that much on just a bag. I NEED a bag that will fit sippy cups, a change of clothes for Mattie Leigh, and a couple of pullups AND fit everything we'll need for Allie Grace.

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