Saturday, January 30, 2010

so much to do...

I've started feeling overwhelmed with how much I have to get done in the next 6-8 weeks before Allie Grace is born. My house is a wreck! I have a lot of stuff that I need to get organized, straightened, or put away. My problem is that I don't have the extra energy to do it. Lately, it's all I can do to get meals fixed, do dishes, get laundry washed and dried (folded and put away haven't happened in ages), and give Mattie Leigh the attention that she needs. I really want to get the pile of laundry folded and put away, get the girls' bedroom rearranged, rearrange our bedroom so it feels less crowded, and get our living room de-cluttered. I think I'm either going to have to get someone to come in and do what I want done or leave Mattie Leigh with Kevin's grandmother for a few hours a day so I can actually get more done at home.

That's just stuff around the house that I want to 'fix'. I really want to have some special one on one time with both Kevin and Mattie Leigh before our family of three is a family of four.

Oh...this is a link to the diaper bag that I would LOVE to have for the girls. It looks like it has so much space. My only hold-up on getting it for myself already is that it's $45 total (with shipping or if you buy it in store). I know that isn't a whole lot of money, especially for a good diaper bag, but I still find it hard to spend that much on just a bag. I NEED a bag that will fit sippy cups, a change of clothes for Mattie Leigh, and a couple of pullups AND fit everything we'll need for Allie Grace.

Monday, January 25, 2010

what to do?

I've been contemplating this for a while and I still have no idea how things will go. I know Mattie Leigh isn't going to be able to be at the hospital with me at least through delivery and the first couple hours after. I'd prefer her just come for a little while for visits because she'd be way out of her element in a hospital room. However, I also know my child and know that she doesn't do well away from me for long periods of time. Like, we're talking, she's only spent one night away from me since we came home from the hospital. It's not that I haven't tried to have her spend the night with family...she flips out and gets so worked up that it is better for everyone for her to just come back home with me. I've been talking to her for a few weeks about me having to go to the hospital to have Allie Grace and that she'll have to stay with someone else. She seems to get what I'm saying, but understanding it and being okay with doing it are going to be two different things. For all the two time moms out there, what are your suggestions on helping her be okay when we drop her off?

Friday, January 15, 2010

in need of motivation...or a maid :)

I've been doing what I can lately in an attempt to get the house cleaned and better organized. This has been a difficult task with a 2 year old that goes behind me as I pick up after her and scatters her things back all over the floor. So I've also been trying to teach Mattie Leigh how to put her things away...she'd still rather keep them strewn around the house. I have made progress in keeping things cleaner in the kitchen...anyone that knows me well knows that I despise doing dishes. There have been times that there were dishes piled all over the kitchen before I'd get to them. The sink is full of them right now but I haven't been home much the last 2 days and have been trying to get other things done...I'll get to them first thing tomorrow. Lately, I've had a huge problem with folding and putting laundry away...standing and folding everything makes my back ache more than it already does with my ever-expanding belly. Our guest bed is covered in clothes that were folded but not put away and a pile that has yet to be folded. I've got to get to those this next week...I'll just have to remind myself to go slowly and sit to fold as much as possible. After that massive task, I HAVE to make myself put them away. I also have to go through all of Mattie Leigh's baby clothes and shoes and get them ready for Allie Grace. By the way, all this has to be done while occupying Mattie Leigh and making sure all other housework gets done.

What's taken me so long to decide to get the house back under control? you may ask. I've wanted it under control since we moved in but have felt overwhelmed with other things. It's just not an option to let myself stay so far behind anymore. I have to have a sense of organization before Allie Grace is born. Kevin's schedule has also gotten more hectic...he's now a full-time teacher and pastor AND has started grad school...SO he's stretched way too thin to help as much as he'd like.

I'm trying to decide the best way to tackle everything. I'm going to have to limit the amount I do in a day...I've made the mistake of trying to do it all in one day and ended up in a good deal of pain because of it. I'd love tips on how to accomplish everything...or help in getting it done. It still feels odd to me to be in this position because I kept things organized and clean through college. It wasn't until grad school overwhelmed me with the amount of work it took that housework was put to the side. I want to get back to being organized because I'm way less stressed that way.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

feeling fatigued

I know they say each pregnancy is different, but this one has been almost completely different. I've hit total exhaustion at 30 weeks...with Mattie Leigh it was 34-35 weeks before it hit. Granted, part of the reason that it is earlier is that I'm running after a 2 year old all day on top of being pregnant. I'm really looking forward to my appointment on Tuesday because I have an ultrasound scheduled. I really want to know Allie Grace's current stats because it feels like she is already as long as Mattie Leigh was right before she was born. I could definitely be wrong but when she stretches out lengthwise, I have to lengthen my torso as much as possible to be able to breathe. When she tries to stretch out across me, she ends up hunched up like a cat when it stretches. If I am right and she is measuring larger than she should, I'm pretty certain that I'll be induced a week or two before her due date.

On another note, I'm struggling to find a Bible study plan that works for me. If you have any suggestions on things that work for you, please share.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

what's with the name?

First, I had gotten tired of the old blog but still wanted to keep posting. Crazy me thought it would be more fun to just start completely over than redo the old one. So here we are with a brand new site. I wanted something different for the web address to get here and automatically went to one of my favorite books in the Bible...Ruth. I absolutely love the biography we get of her she chose to leave everything familiar and to step out into a world of unknowns with Naomi, how God used her and blessed her beyond measure, and how her family tree includes the Savior of the world! As a Christian woman, I want to be more like Ruth. I want to be unafraid to step out into the unknown and follow God's call for my life. I want to use this blog to document the journey and to share with friends how my life (and my family's) is changing along the way.