Monday, January 31, 2011

where's my luck?

I think I entered 5 contests last week to get either free games or hair care products. I didn't win ANYTHING. What's the deal? None of them were huge entry contests...I just have no luck with that sort of thing. The game contests were all put on by The Wonder Forge (look them up on Facebook and Twitter). They have some really neat games and Mattie Leigh loves the Curious George matching game that we already have. I was hoping to get another fun game for her. The hair care products are for people with curly/wavy hair...which I've recently learned I have. (Long story...I quit using shampoo with sulfates in it and my normally frizzy straight hair turned very wavy.) It's called DevaCurl and it was developed by the author of The Curly Girl Handbook. I have ordered the book and a few of the products...can't wait to try them out.

1 comment:

  1. Ok...what kind of shampoo did you start using that made you realize your hair was curly. I'm beginning to think this is my problem! I had board straight hair until I got a perm in like 7th grade or something and it has been frizzy ever since. This morning I was noticing how wavy my hair is when it's wet, so now I'm thinking I must have naturally wavy/curly hair and might need to be fixing it differently. I might have to check out DevaCurl if I determine my hair truly is wavy/curly, haha!
