Monday, January 17, 2011

my little monkeys

Like the new look? I call the girls my silly monkeys so I had to use this background when I found it.

My oldest monkey is having some trouble lately...make that A LOT of trouble. It's with her attitude and it's bad. I'm talking major meltdowns, screaming fits, stomping, slamming doors, lots of tears...even CHOCOLATE doesn't make it better. Seriously though, we've tried one on one time, time-outs, taking things away, and offering rewards. Nothing is helping. I'm low on ideas and patience. I want my sweet girl back.

My baby monkey isn't much of a baby anymore. She's crawling, saying around 10 words, and chasing us around the house. She gets into EVERYTHING. One of her favorite things is bath-time...she tries to crawl to the bathroom whenever she hears the water running. She's so into everything that she wakes up multiple times at night wanting to play.

Needless to say, I'm one tired momma.


  1. Oh, I love the background! Sorry to hear about Mattie Leigh. Maybe it's just a phase?

  2. Great new background. Praying for you and how to deal with Mattie Leigh's attitude. Praying it's just a phase that she will quickly grow out of!

  3. I don't know if I have told you about this book before or not but it's called, "Sheperding Your Child's Heart" by Tedd Tripp. It is incredible and has really helped me figure out how to discipline my strong-willed child with her attitude issues. It was such a guide last year when we were walking through that daily!
