Thursday, April 22, 2010

where to start?

If you've seen my facebook statuses lately, you know that we've had issues with Allie Grace's tummy. Kevin and I knew that she'd probably inherit our stomach issues...I was just hoping that it wouldn't start this early. I had already switched her to a formula specifically for gassy and fussy babies because of issues we were having with that. Then, I noticed that she seemed to be gagging a lot...not necessarily spitting up, but trying to swallow what was trying to come up. I called our doctor a few different times trying to get them to put her on medicine, but they didn't. Finally, I got really frustrated and just asked for an appointment. I knew it was reflux because we had so much trouble with Mattie Leigh when she had it. I was pleased that the doctor remembered that and just immediately put her on Zantac when we had the appointment. That has helped a lot...but we've had screaming spells from around 4 PM to 4 AM the last few days. We haven't had that so far today, so I am hoping she is over it.

If you've seen my statuses lately, you've also seen that we've had some funny Mattie Leigh moments. I have known for a while that she is verbal and has a great vocabulary, but she amazed me when I took her to the doctor for a throat infection. She told me she was "fwustwated" because the doctor looked in her throat. (I was proud...she's learning those feeling words a therapist's child should.) She told Kevin recently that she thought he was a "good pweacher." We had a picnic in the backyard the other day and it was a little windy. She was talking to herself and said, "the wind is blowing my food. What am I gonna do with that wind?" My only issue with her is that she's become very stubborn with potty-training.

To borrow her word, I'm frustrated with RTS. I thought I was finished paying for everything when I finished my hours...only to find out about $200 graduation fee I HAVE to pay, even though I am not walking. I also found out that I have to pay almost $500 in tuition and fees for the winter term...I honestly thought I had paid for it, but was told I hadn't. I hate that we have to pay that much when we're trying to pay off bills and save money...along with having enough month to month.

I am also frustrated with my attitude...I find myself losing my temper easily and I HATE that. I know a lot of it is because I am so tired, but that's no excuse. I am trying to work on that before it gets any worse.

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