Monday, June 11, 2012

so I'm not very good at keeping up with a blog...

I know it's been a really long time since I've posted anything on here. There have been several times that I've wanted to write something, but it wasn't at a time that I could sit and write (so I'd forgotten by the time I could do it). I miss writing...I'm hoping that I can do better at actually posting.

There's no way that I could update on everything that's happened since my last post. I do want to update anyone who might actually read this on a few things that have happened in the last few weeks.

We're in the throes of potty-training AG. She does great when she wants to...otherwise, I feel like I'm constantly cleaning her up where she's had an accident. Rewards haven't really worked for her and there have been days where I've wanted to pull my hair out trying to think of something that would help her.

ML lost her first tooth on Saturday 4 1/2 years old. I'm not sure if I should be excited for her or cry because this whole process started way before I was ready for it. She asked if the tooth fairy could bring her a light up toothbrush...kid loves toothbrushes. She also got a "fairy dollar"...a gold dollar painted with glitter paint, and a teensy little letter from the tooth fairy that was also coated in the glitter paint (fairy dust).

I've found myself getting a little emotional at times because my babies aren't babies anymore. I'm missing that stage a lot lately...guess I'll just play with all the babies around me until it's time for us to have #3 (which will most likely still be a while).

I can't think of anything else interesting that has happened recently...we're just all hanging out at home for the most part now that Kevin is on summer break. Maybe I can think of some good posts to write in the next few weeks.

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