Monday, May 23, 2011

things I learned today

I wake up really cranky when I don't get enough sleep. (I guess I've been learning this for a while, but it really hit me today. Allie Grace was awake until after 1 no matter what we did to help her go to sleep. Then, she was super restless the rest of the night, so we got very little sleep.)

I have a little road rage...EVERYTHING and EVERYONE on HWY 49 was getting on my nerves this afternoon on our way to Mattie's GI appointment. People were going to slow in the left lane, people were passing me and then going really slow when they got in front of me, road workers placed cones way too far in the lane (my car was almost in the median a few times), people braked suddenly (and for no reason), and people cut in front of me with little warning.

I really should have gotten a degree in the medical field. The nurse practitioner that we saw today was asking me how I thought we should go about treatment. She asked how aggressive I wanted to be. I told her that I wanted to first do blood work and see what that showed before we gave her anesthesia and did a scope to look for what was going on. I also had to go through ML's whole history with stomach problems (from acid reflux as an infant to the tests/scope she had done at 1 1/2 to what I thought might be going on now). She ordered blood work to check for the markers that indicate celiac disease, anemia, h. pylori infection, and anything else that would show up in blood work. We'll get results to all but one test in the next 2 days...the other one will take a week to come back. If all the blood work comes back normal, we're going to treat ML for gastritis.

I could have a potential career in wrestling. I had to wrap my legs around ML's legs and bear hug her body and left arm so one nurse could hold her right arm and the other could draw blood.

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