Wednesday, August 4, 2010

readjusting to the 'real' world and life with a 2 3/4 year old and a 5 month old

This week marks back to school time for Kevin. It's going to be a hard (and interesting) transition. We've all gotten so used to him being home for the summer and the girls really don't want him leaving in the mornings. So far, he's only been gone part of the day for meetings, but next week, he'll be back full-time. I have to come up with fun (not to mention free or really inexpensive) activities to keep the girls entertained until they get readjusted.

Mattie Leigh has become quite a funny kid. I really need to start writing down the things that she says. For instance, she was in her room getting ready for a nap the other day and told Kevin that she wanted to sell her toys in the upcoming church garage sale. I asked her about it later and she basically admitted that she wanted to get rid of all her old ones just so she could get new ones. She's started telling us, "I love you so much!" lately and also frequently says, "I need ________ so much." Somehow, 'so much' is supposed to make it a necessity and not just a want.

Today, she asked to go to Bop's to get ice cream. We decided to eat it in the car and not torture ourselves in the miserable heat. I looked back to check on the girls and saw Mattie Leigh giving Allie Grace a bite of her chocolate custard. I really hoped that Allie Grace hadn't gotten any, but when I got her out of the car, I noticed that she had a chocolate mustache.

I realized that I never mentioned that she has had me planning her birthday party for almost 2 months. Her birthday is in OCTOBER! I don't know if she thinks I'm going to forget or if I have an excessive planner on my hands.

She's also become very interested in school. She really wanted to go this year, but we really didn't want her having to go to K3 for 2 years. Since her birthday is after the September 1 deadline, she really isn't supposed to start until she is almost 4. She was very disappointed. I'm thinking about trying to come up with little school activities that will help her see what school will be like. I'd also like her to get to visit the classroom occasionally so that she can see what is expected out of students.

Allie Grace has hit some sort of amazing growth spurt. In the last 3 weeks, it seems like she went from wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes to wearing some 6-9 month sizes. I even put her in a 12 month outfit the other day...the length on it was great, but the waist was a little big. Part of this astonishing growth may have come from the fact that she is really enjoying her baby food now. I'm starting to add more...she gets rice cereal in every bottle because of the reflux so I only give her oatmeal every few days but she gets at least half a container of a fruit and half a container of a veggie every day. I'm trying to be better about letting her have at least 2 meals...our daily schedule is so varied that it's sometimes a struggle to try to fit it in, but my plan is to start giving her breakfast after she gets up and a meal in the middle of the day. We can throw in a third meal as needed now and then add in a before bed feeding when the time comes. (I'm not too worried about it right now because it isn't exactly necessary for her to be eating as much baby food as she is right now anyway...she's just a little piggy and loves her food.)

Our little weed has also developed her own little personality more and more lately. She knows what she wants and has figured out a number of ways of expressing it. She is still generally happy all the time (her fussy spells come when she is overly tired, very hungry, or is having trouble with reflux) and is interested in everything. Her hands, eyes, and mouth are constantly exploring her surroundings. She reaches for who and what she wants and gets upset if she doesn't get her way. She's also a little cuddle bug and I love getting to snuggle with her.

Hopefully, I'll start posting a little more regularly. I'm trying to get us back into a routine again and maybe that'll help. If nothing else, it should give me plenty of things to post about.

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