Monday, May 24, 2010

I did it!

So, as I typed the title for this post, the song that Dora and Boots sing at the end of every episode popped into my head...and I laughed out loud about it.

This is just a quick post to let everyone know that I now have my diploma...proof that hard work and determination, along with lots of tears and prayer, really does pay off in the end.

The diploma is HUGE! I told Kevin that it is about twice the size as our diplomas from MC...and those are about twice the size as my high school diploma. So, my question is, if I ever decide to get my doctorate, will that diploma be even bigger?


  1. Congrats, Heather! That is amazing! I am mildly jealous! You have an awesome career ahead of you--God bless!

  2. Congratulations! I know that is such a sense of accomplishment for you as it should be! I know God has great things planned for you
